Does Sweating Burn Calories?

Does Sweating Burn Calories?


If you're dripping with sweat after a rigorous workout—does that mean you're burning more calories than usual? It makes sense; excessive sweating indicates that you're exerting yourself, which necessitates additional energy. Is it true, however, that sweating burns calories? Continue reading to find out.


Why Do We Start To Sweat?


A person with alot of sweat running down their face
Credit: Getty Images/EyeEm


We all know that we sweat when we get hot. Sweating is a natural way for your body to cool down, whether it's from a hot yoga session or the sun beating down on your back. Your body's mechanism is the same regardless of what sweat-inducing activities you engage in.

Apocrine and eccrine sweat glands are the two types of sweat glands. Eccrine glands produce the majority of your perspiration. Your apocrine glands, on the other hand, are found in the places of your body where you sweat the most: your armpits, breasts, and groin.

Sweat is made up of salt, proteins, ammonia, and urea, among other things. This is why it tastes salty if you lick your top lip after sweating. Sweat evaporates and cools you down as your body releases this mixture. Although sweating is largely used to control body temperature, your nervous system also causes you to sweat. Have you ever felt jittery before a test or a first date? You most likely broke out in a cold sweat. This is because, as part of the fight or flight response, your body sweats to meet threats.


Benefits of Sweating


1) Boosts Endorphins

 A lady stretching her leg muscles before she starts her exercises

Credit: Get The Gloss


You may expect to sweat profusely at the gym, during an intense workout, or simply by brisk walking in the sun. Exercising raises the levels of feel-good endorphin hormones, which are released naturally during physical activity. When people work out together, their endorphin levels rise and they experience less discomfort than when they work out alone. Sweating it out in a group setting, such as Zumba or hot yoga, can make you feel better.


2) Sweating Is Beneficial to Your Skin


Sweat is known to cool the skin, bring toxins to the surface, and give your skin a glow. That radiance is most likely due to the fact that the water droplets dripping from your pores also serve as a moisturizer (and for much less money than your favorite beauty buy).

When it comes to some inflammatory skin conditions, sweating can help to promote and maintain skin moisture. Not to mention the fact that perspiration includes urea, a known humectant.


3) Muscle Recovery Aid

 A lady with her stomach facing the floor and lifting her body off the floor with her hands and her feet still firmly on the floor

Credit: Sweat App


A sweat session won't help you gain muscle, but it will help you recuperate. Sweating improves circulation and aids in the removal of lactic acid. This can help to relieve pain and speed up the healing process.


4) Reduces the Risk of Kidney Stones


You might assume that going to the bathroom less is a bad thing, but it's actually a good thing when it comes to kidney stones. Sweating leads to less urination, reducing the chances of kidney stone-forming minerals accumulating in the kidneys and urinary system. When you sweat, you consume more water, which means these minerals are flushed out as well. Who'd have guessed?


Sweat, Calories, and Fat: What’s the Connection?

 A lady leaning over wiping the sweat from her brow after she has been exercising

Credit: ACTIVE


This link between sweat and the number of calories or fat burned has been made for decades, despite the lack of proof or facts to back it up. Sweating does not burn any calories, but it can lead us to lose weight by losing water weight. This setback is just temporary. We can anticipate regaining this weight as soon as we rehydrate by drinking water. As a result, increasing our sweat production by working in hot environments or wearing heavy clothing will not result in extra fat loss.


The Fat-Burning Effect of a Sweat-Inducing Workout

 A man with a wet shirt on showing the sweat after he has been exercising

Credit: Men’s Health


Sweat does not increase fat burning, but it can indicate that you are exercising hard. The more vigorously you work, the higher your core temperature rises, causing you to sweat to cool off. If you're sweating because of a hard workout rather than the weather, you're probably using energy and burning fat.

Sitting on a beach on a 100-degree day does not necessitate a lot of energy or use a lot of fat. You're sweating because your body is in desperate need of cooling down. Even if your body doesn't sweat as much when you work hard in cold temperatures, such as running a winter marathon, you still burn fat.

Workouts that don't require a lot of perspiration are also effective. Yoga, pilates, and stretching improve balance, flexibility, and core strength without making you sweat profusely. You're still working on making your body stronger and more functional.


Other Ways To Increase Your Calorie Burn

 People doing some serious exercises to get their body temperature up so they can burn calories

Credit: Freeletics


We've established that increasing the temperature isn't the greatest way to burn more calories. How should you approach your workout to get the most bang for your buck? Take a look at these helpful hints.


1) Resistance Training


Resistance training, weight, or interval workouts are all great for you. Muscle burns more calories than fat, and resistance training has been shown to help you burn more calories throughout the day.




With intense, quick workouts, you can make the most of your time. To mix things up try a regular HIIT session or extend your wings with a Tabata workout. This will keep your workout intense and burn more calories.


3) Plyometrics


These high-intensity activities activate type II muscle fibers. These burn more calories in a short period of time.


4) Switch Up Your Training Routine


Because your body adjusts, continuing the same workout day after day will burn fewer calories. Every few days or weeks, switch up your workout. To keep your muscles guessing, try different lifts, walk on an incline, modify the range of motion, or add bursts of intensity.




So does sweating burn fat? To address the question, sweating does not burn calories by itself. How many calories you burn will depend on the intensity of your workout. Sweating can be induced by a variety of circumstances, including heat, illness, or anxiety. This does not necessarily imply that you are burning calories. If you're sweating excessively, see a doctor right away because it could be a sign of something more serious.


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