The yoga wheel is one of the most popular props used by yogis during yoga practice. This prop makes practicing yoga much more enjoyable, challenging, and beneficial. It can even help with pain relief. In this blog, we'll go over 8 easy exercises you can take to relieve back discomfort. Let's get started.
Beginner-Friendly Yoga Wheel Exercises to Reduce Back Pain

Have your back problems left you feeling down? If so, continue reading to learn some quick and simple yoga wheel poses that will provide you with some much-needed pain relief:
1) Wheel Reclined Butterfly Pose
Credit: Envato Elements/ Habrovich
You might remember doing the butterfly posture in gym class as a kid. This modification includes a yoga wheel to help you stretch your hip flexors while also opening your chest.
To do a Wheel Reclined Butterfly Pose, follow the steps below:
- Begin in a seated position
Bring your feet together and bend your right and left knee toward the floor.
- Place the yoga wheel behind your lower back.
- Exhale and then slowly lean back letting the yoga wheel hold your neck.
- Take a deep breath and place your arms behind you.
- Hold for a few seconds.
2) Wheel-Assisted Fish Pose
Credit: Envato Elements/ Habrovich
This chest-opening backbend pose known as "Fish Pose" is great for shoulder and pectoral stretches as well as for easing upper back stiffness.
To do a Wheel Assisted Fish Pose, follow the steps below:
- Begin by sitting down and extending your legs in front of you.
- Place the wheel parallel to your spine, with your hands holding it in place.
- Letting go of your hands, lean behind while stretching your back over the wheel.
- Raising your hips for a deeper stretch will enable the wheel to support and massage the area of your back between your shoulder blades.
- Lean your neck and head against the wheel and relax.
- Hold for a few seconds.
3) Seated Forward Fold
Credit: Envato Elements/ korneevamaha
A seated forward fold gives the back and neck a thorough stretch while also relaxing the body.
To do a Seated Forward Fold, follow the steps below:
- Begin by assuming a seated position on your mat with your legs extended in front of you.
- Slide the yoga wheel underneath your legs until it touches your calves.
- Holding the yoga wheel in both hands, lean over and bring your torso forward.
- Push your hips back.
- Relax your upper body onto your thighs.
- Hold for a few seconds.
4) Yoga Wheel Roll
Credit: Envato Elements/ jurnalfotgrafic
By massaging your back, this yoga wheel exercise will give you immediate spinal relief.
To do a Yoga Wheel Roll, follow the steps below:
- Begin by lying down on your mat.
- Lift your entire body up onto the yoga wheel and place it at the base of your spine.
- Use your legs to gently rotate back and forth on the wheel while keeping your hands and feet flat on the ground.
- Do this till you get some relief.
5) Wheel-Assisted Back Bend Pose
In addition to strengthening the back muscles and improving posture, this yoga pose helps to stretch the upper body from the chest to the hips and the stomach.
To do a Wheel-Assisted Back Bend Pose, follow the steps below:
- Beginning seated, place your feet flat on the mat with your knees bent.
- The yoga wheel should be positioned behind you, parallel to your spine.
- Allow your back to rest over the wheel as you lean back into it.
- Lift your hips and place your hands by your ears.
- Hold for a few seconds.
6) Wheel-Assisted Child's Pose
Credit: Envato Elements/ Labachad
A wheel-assisted child's pose can help you extend your upper body. This is good for your back, shoulders, and even arms.
To do a Wheel Assisted Child's Pose, follow the steps below:
- Kneel on the ground with your big toes in contact and lean back on your heels.
- Put your hands on the wheel.
- Extend your spine, move your torso forward, and move the wheel away from you with your hands.
- Lean forward slightly more until your arms are outstretched and your stomach touches your thighs.
- Hold for a few seconds.
7) Yoga Wheel Rolling Plank
Planks are great for strengthening the core. In addition to reducing back pain, regular core workouts give your body the strength it requires to do more demanding yoga positions.
To do a Yoga Wheel Rolling Plank, follow the steps below:
- Start in a plank position with a yoga wheel next to your feet.
- Lift your left leg and place it on the wheel. Do the same with your right leg.
- At this point, you should be holding a plank on the yoga wheel.
- Roll the wheel forward and backward while keeping your knees straight and your core active.
- Repeat as often as you like.
8) Wheel-Assisted Pigeon Pose
Credit: UpCircleSeven
The pigeon pose is another great backbend exercise that is great for your upper and lower back.
To do a Wheel Assisted Pigeon Pose, follow the steps below:
- Begin by kneeling on the ground and placing the wheel in the middle of your feet.
- Lean back slowly while reaching for the yoga wheel behind you with your arms raised over your head.
- Grab the wheel's opposite side and circle it with your hands until your head touches the ground.
- Hold this position for a few seconds.
Benefits of Using Yoga Wheels to Treat Back Pain
If you plan to use a yoga wheel to help relieve back pain, you might be wondering if it works. To help understand better how this handy prop helps in back pain relief, scroll down below:
1) Yoga Wheels Gently Massage the Spine
Credit: Envato Elements/ Labachad
Yoga wheels have the ability to deeply massage the spine. By applying pressure to the wheel while doing yoga poses, your vertebrae will be massaged, which will ease joint pressure and pain. In terms of the pressure used, this massage technique is just as soothing as going to a professional, but it also has the added advantage of working out other parts of your body.
2) Yoga Wheels Help Stretch the Spine
Credit: Envato Elements/ Kahanova
Stretching is necessary to relieve back pain and there's no better way to do this than by using a yoga wheel. The yoga wheel ensures that you get a complete stretch without causing further injury. These stretches help to extend your back which eventually provides relief.
3) Yoga Wheels Help Realign the Spine
Credit: Envato Elements/ -QURLSON
Straining and injuries that put a lot of pressure on the spine are two of the main causes of back pain. Many of the movements you do when using a yoga wheel are designed to straighten your spine and ease discomfort.
FAQ Section
Q1: Can anyone use a yoga wheel to relieve back pain, or is it only for advanced yogis?
Anyone, including beginners, can use a yoga wheel to relieve back pain. Start with basic exercises and gradually progress to more advanced poses as you become comfortable and confident.
Q2: Is it necessary to warm up before doing yoga wheel exercises?
Yes, warming up is essential before any exercise routine, including yoga wheel exercises. Perform some gentle stretches to prepare your muscles and prevent injury.
Q3: Are there any age restrictions for using yoga wheels for back pain relief?
Yoga wheels are generally suitable for individuals of various ages. However, if you have specific health concerns or conditions, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen.
Q4: Can yoga wheel exercises help with chronic back pain issues?
Yoga wheel exercises can be beneficial for managing chronic back pain. They may not provide instant relief, but with consistent practice, they can contribute to long-term improvement in pain management.
Q5: Can yoga wheel exercises help with posture-related issues like rounded shoulders?
Yes, yoga wheel exercises can help address posture-related issues by opening up the chest and strengthening the back muscles. However, correcting posture may require a holistic approach.
Q6: Are there any potential risks associated with using a yoga wheel for back pain relief?
While yoga wheel exercises are generally safe, improper use or overexertion can lead to strain or injury. It's important to use proper form and technique and avoid pushing yourself too hard.
Almost every stretch that focuses on the back can be done with a yoga wheel. These wheels reduce back pain while also enhancing posture, flexibility, and stamina. If you want to use yoga wheels to relieve back pain, check out Acupoint's Yoga Wheels. Whether you're doing a yoga wheel roll or a wheel-assisted crow pose, our yoga wheels can handle it all. Shop with us today.